Before closing its storefront early-pandemic, CAP Beauty on West 10th Street didn't just give the best facials in the city, it was where you went to discover your new favorite products: Marie Veronique oil cleanser (handmade in Berkeley), a jade facial roller (before they went mainstream), Sisters’ “microbiome friendly” shampoo. But my favorite CAP discovery was IN FIORE’S Jasmine Supérieur balm, a purchase I can only justify when I’m postpartum or super dry in the dead of winter. Its intoxicating scent reminds me of honeymooning in India.
As for CAP Beauty, it lives on through an online store; its former aestheticians, who have spread out across FOUND’s Rejuvenating Facials Nines; and that spa feeling I get whenever I use Jasmine Supérieur after a shower. –Julia Steele
→ Shop: Jasmine Supérieur, IN FIORE, $225.