Bottle service
The initial appeal of Please Don’t Tell, the secret cocktail lounge behind a hidden door inside a hipster hot dog joint in the East Village, was its novelty. But anyone who settled into one of the faux-speakeasy’s dark banquettes long enough to pay proper attention to the cocktails came to realize that the real secret of PDT is the drinks.
This holiday season, the secret is out and available in 750 ml bottles. PDT is pre-mixing and selling its Gold Standard — Hibiki Harmony whisky, French Cognac Guillon Painturaud Pineau des Charentes, Austrian brandy (Ginger Eau de Vie from Hans Reisetbauer), and Vermont honey. It’s a trip around the cocktail world, straight from inside a hot dog joint in the East Village to your brother-in-law’s stocking. –Mark Healy
→ Shop: available after Dec. 1, in person at Please Don't Tell, 113 St. Mark’s Pl. (East Village), or via email at • $195 for 750 ml.